About Robert

Welcome to Sobriety Sword. I’m glad you are here. My name is Robert Newberry the founder of Sobriety Sword. I have been sober and clean for 27 years. Although Sobriety Sword is faith based, everyone is welcome and encouraged to make use of the tools I have provided for you. We love you all and want to help you. My journey has been one that involves many addictions, abuse, PTSD and victory. I have much to give so please make yourself at home here. I will share my experience, strength and hope with you. May God bless your journey and healing as He has blessed mine.

My STORY (the short version)

I dove head first into my addictions at the tender age of 5. I was already abusing alcohol, looking at pornography and being abused sexually. Terrified, often running away and hiding to avoid the violence and abuse. I was exposed to this life as far back as I can remember. Both parents were alcoholic and checked out of my life. Often I would be left with bootleggers and pushers as collateral for days and weeks at a time, where I experienced various types of abuse, violence and even torture.

By age 13 I was using and selling drugs, involved in gang activity, stealing anything I could and even started stealing cars. First time in jail age 13. Charged with grand theft auto by age 15 and found my self in jail or probation most of my life until my 30s. I dropped out of school by age 16 and by age 18 I was running an adult theater, bookstore and peepshows along with enjoying all the sorted activities that came along with my lifestyle at that time. I always had plenty of money. Oddly enough I was able to hide much of this from my family and childhood friends. A double life style.

Many DWI’s would follow from age 18 into my 30s as well as other criminal activities and the consequences. Finally, landing myself in prison and my cell mate was there for killing his son. Apparently I reminded him of his son, I found this somewhat unsettling for some reason. When I was finally paroled out, doing what doing best, I got drunk. I stayed high and drunk and did whatever I had to do to get that way.

Homelessness was next on the list along with all the hardships that came with it. I went through the DT’s in the crawlspace of somebody s home. I survived that but I would soon try to take my life. It was there that my life took an unexpected turn and I would be forever changed.


I was looking for help there were few options available for me. Not because there were no options, but because I had no way to get the information. No resources and I was homeless and broke. The most valuable thing you need to find recovery is support and information to start with. I am hopeful this will become a go to source to equip you on you are road to success.

When I was in the process of taking my life, God came to me. I felt His love for me and I found rest and healing. The story is amazing because God is amazing. What started out as an attempt to take my own precious life became a prayer. The sickness from being in the DT’s had been taken away. The desire to drink or use had been taken away. I even felt good. It was there that I started on a journey that has allowed me the privilege of speaking to churches and groups all over the U.S.

The 9th grade dropout was able to get an education. God gave me the opportunity to earn a B.S. in Business. The criminal had the privilege becoming a chaplain and serving community and law enforcement professionals. From thug to minister and missionary. I want to help you find what God has for you. There is a divine plan for you and I wish to arm you with the resources you need to make you are journey to healing.


If you are like I was when I was still struggling, the last thing you want to hear about is God. It’s O.K. He loves you anyway. And He will help you anyway. He will not abandon you. It is we that abandon Him. Nevertheless, some resources I will provide in this website will be more secular in nature. We have to start somewhere. I do however hope that the experience, strength and hope that I share with you will build you are faith and encourage you. Know that you are loved. Very much. You can be no less lovable than I was. God surrounded me with just the right people at just the right time.

Please explore my website. Use what information you can. May you find peace and success.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

May God Bless You,

Robert Newberry


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